Our Score:★★★★★✩✩✩✩✩
GENRE: Classic
Selected by Sandra - February 2019

Jay Gatsby is the man who has everything. But one thing will always be out of his reach ...
Everybody who is anybody is seen at his glittering parties. Day and night his Long Island mansion buzzes with bright young things drinking, dancing and debating his mysterious character.
For Gatsby - young, handsome, fabulously rich - always seems alone in the crowd, watching and waiting, though no one knows what for.
Beneath the shimmering surface of his life he is hiding a secret: a silent longing that can never be fulfilled. And soon this destructive obsession will force his world to unravel.
(Synopsis taken from Amazon)
I wanted something different for my next book choice, I wanted a classic, a modern classic. The Great Gatsby was a novel I had heard of and hadn't read so I decided to pick it as my next book. After selecting it I caught up with an American friend, we spoke about books we had enjoyed and she mentioned that The Great Gatsby was a book she would recommended, she had even seen it being filmed in 1972 in Long Island. I felt satisfied with my selection.
THE DISCUSSION: (Contains spoilers)
A real mixture of opinions and individual scores from each of us with regards to this book. Some of us were initially excited by the book others secretly dreading it. A few members delayed reading it as it just wasn't calling out to be read. Once started we all agreed that the beginning was rather slow and boring. We found the characters one dimensional and really disliked Daisy in particular. We found her immature, selfish and self obsessed. She treated her own child as an object that got brought out to show off to guests and then pushed aside once she was finished with her. Was this a true reflection of the time and class back then or the author mocking society?
We felt nothing really happened until right near the end of the book. It was both shocking and sad but we felt it needed that element to lift the novel, otherwise it would have been a boring book. The parties didn't seem glitzy enough and the lifestyle not desirable enough. We did like Wilson and his neighbour Michaelis.
We questioned the homosexual references in the book; when Nick was in the elevator with Mr McKee and then he was standing beside his bed, Mr McKee in his underwear! And discussed the racist remarks that appear in the book: "watch out or these other races will have control of things,” “we are all white here” .
1) Does Gatsby deserve to be called "Great"? In what ways is he great? In what ways is he not? In the end, which wins out: greatness or mediocrity?
2) In the very last line of Chapter Three, Nick Carraway claims: "I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known." By the end of the book, Jordan Baker decides that this statement itself a lie.
Explore the character of Nick. How are readers supposed to feel about him? In what ways does he come off as reliable or unreliable?
3) What are your thoughts on Daisy? Was she to blame for Gatsby's downfall?
REVIEW: (Contains Spoilers)
Gemma's Thoughts:
It took me a while to get into the book. Not that it was hard going I just didn't have the urge to pick it up and read so therefore it sat on my bedside table for quite a few nights undisturbed. I found it a slow start and pace to the novel where in my opinion nothing really happened until three quarters of the way through. I was shocked that Myrtle was killed and even more shocked when it was revealed that Daisy was the one driving. Then to find Gatsby too had suffered through a revengeful act was another cruel twist within the book. To me it was an ending where everyone lost. I guess that was what made the book and the knowledge that wealth doesn't necessarily bring happiness. Now that I have read the book I am intrigued to watch the film, I imagine it will capture my imagination more than the novel with its 1920's theme and New York setting. I am glad I read it and on reflection I wished I had been more into it but sadly I wasn't.
Sandra's Thoughts:
Although this was my book choice when it came round to reading it I just didn't quite fancy it so it took me a while to actually start reading. When I did, I found it to be a slow and boring start. I found the characters shallow and not developed enough, it was like we didn't get to know them and new characters just appeared without a proper introduction. Daisy particular annoyed me. When she was first introduced in the book she says: "I'm p-paralysed with happiness.' This just seemed an odd thing to say as we later find out that she knew her husband was having an affair. I did like the description within the novel and afterwards watched the original film starring Robert Redford.
Nic's Thoughts:
I read this book years ago and remembered really enjoying it so I was delighted to have the opportunity to read it again. I was very much looking forward to it. I started off reading the 'Introduction' notes that where in my addition. This was very long and boring and completely put me off the novel. I decided to ditch the intro and began reading the story. I was sadly disappointed. I didn't like any of the characters and felt that the book just didn't flow. I remember thinking that the parties and Gatsby's life were very decadent but I didn't find that this time round. The character's didn't actually do anything, they led boring lives, in my opinion and their parties weren't exciting or lavish. I was really disappointed that I didn't enjoy it and that it has changed my opinion on the book. If you had asked me a month ago how I felt about this book I would have given it such praise, now I will simply say that I didn't enjoy it.
Pamela's Thoughts:
I was very much looking forward to this book as I knew it was a current A level text and was intrigued to read it. I was disappointed by the novel. I found the characters were lacking depth and I had no empathy towards them. Even Nick, who I thought was rather wet. The book flitted from one thing to another which I didn't enjoy. Overall a less than average read for me.
Kim's Thoughts:
This is a book that I have tried to read before but gave up on it as I wasn't enjoying it. So when Sandra selected it for our next read I was filled with dread. However, I was surprised that I actually enjoyed it this time round. It was much better than I had anticipated. The rich characters were so shallow, the poorer ones had more depth and I preferred them.
Donna's Thoughts:
I loved the start and after issuing it to A level students for years it was a joy to read! Such a sad story and sad portrayal of people who clamour for wealth thinking it will bring them happiness. Lovely characters and so sad to have no one at your funeral. Thanks Sandra for the choice.
Ashlea's Thoughts:
The thing that drew me to wanting to read this book was simply the era. 1920's in New York, what's not to love? I was excited to be transported to that time period and their rich and glamorous lifestyle. Although there's not a lot of action in the plot, I appreciate how deep Fitzgerald dives into emotions throughout the story. To me, this is a book about love, heartbreak, loneliness, loss and the extremities people will go through for love. Jay Gatsby is a dreamer who romanticises his life and I love the way Fitzgerald's writing style reflected that. Overall, this is a beautifully written novel and there are a few quotes which I absolutely adore.
"At the enchanted metropolitan twilight I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes, and felt it in others—young clerks in the dusk, wasting the most poignant moments of night and life.”
Donna: 8
Gemma: 5
Kim: 7
Nic: 3
Pamela: 4
Sandra: 5
Ashlea: 7
Average 5
Let us know your thoughts about this book. We would love to read your reviews and hear what you would score it.
Happy reading!