The Servant by Maggie Richell-Davis
The Memory Wood by Sam Lloyd
Foul Play: The Manor House Murder by After Dark Murder Mystery
337 by M. Jonathan Lee
The Strangers We Know by Pip Drysdale
The Chalet by Catherine Cooper
An Island by Karen Jennings
The Haunting At Bonaventure Circus by Jaime Jo Wright
Dead Already by Tim Adler
Mika & Lolo by Virginia Mendez
One? by Jennifer L Cahill
What The World Needs Now: Trees! By Cheryl Rosebush
The Secret Of Strangers by Charity Norman
The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson by Lauren H. Brandenburg
The Illustrated Child by Polly Crosby
Little Eden by KT King
The Becket List By Henry Becket illustrated by Tony Husband
The Exiles By Christina Baker Kline
The Girl Who Stole The Stars by Corrina Campbell
Portrait Of The Spy As A Young Man by Edward Wilson