Our Score:★★★★★★★✩✩✩
GENRE: Historical, Gothic, Thriller, Classic
Selected by Pamela - March 2009

Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again . . .
The novel begins in Monte Carlo, where our heroine is swept off her feet by the dashing widower Maxim de Winter and his sudden proposal of marriage. Orphaned and working as a lady's maid, she can barely believe her luck. It is only when they arrive at his massive country estate that she realizes how large a shadow his late wife will cast over their lives--presenting her with a lingering evil that threatens to destroy their marriage from beyond the grave.
(Synopsis taken from Goodreads)
I chose this book because of it's name, my daughter's name being Rebecca and because I knew it was set in Cornwall, the place where my father was born. I knew it was a classic and felt it was a book that I should read.
REVIEW: (Contains spoilers)
Pamela's Thoughts:
Starting reading it, I struggled through the first few chapters because of the detailed description, that at that stage meant little to me. As the story progressed I became at times frustrated with the central character, her naivety, her inability to make decisions and the child like manners. I visualised her as quite a plain, wet sort of lady with little personality. I would liked to have known her name.
Whilst she obviously adored Maxim, and in the end it came to light he her, Maxim was very cold, older and with hind sight wracked with guilt. When we discovered what a horrible person Rebecca was and that he murdered her, I was really shocked. It was a twist that I did not see coming at all and continued to make the book a thrilling page turner.
I could see the reason why Mrs Danvers, a scary force to be reckoned with, was included in the book, it added to the plot. However, surely Maxim would have got rid of her. I did picture Danvers as Mrs Gail from As Time Goes By.
I loved this book, it gave you everything from love to murder.
Gemma's Thoughts:
This book was an absolute delight. I initially hadn't heard of the book and thought it would be a hard, long winded novel. On the contrary, I found it warming and descriptive. I absolutely got dragged away with this novel and found the ending very shocking, what a great twist. It is a book I would definitely recommend to others.
Emma's Thoughts:
I'm not a great fan of the 'classics' and am not a fan of 'Rebecca'. Imagine everyone's shock when I only scored it 3/10. Pamela was not at all happy! I struggled to stay engaged with the story, the pace was so slow and the overall storyline a bore. I even tried watching the original film just before our Book Club Meeting, but may have fallen asleep!
Maria's Thoughts:
A lovely classic that wasn't ancient. Had seen the black and white film back in the day so had a clue as to where the story was going but this didn't detract from my enjoyment of the book. It had it's dark side that lurked in the background and kept you guessing. Brilliant book.
Emma: 3
Gemma: 8
Maria: 9
Nic: 8
Pamela: 9
Sandra: 7
Average 7
Let us know what you thought about this book. We would love to read your reviews and know what you would score it.
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