This gorgeous picture book tells the story of a little boy who likes to go on lots of imaginary adventures where one day he finds a broken rainbow. He takes the rainbow home and restores it only to find that one day it completely disappears. Having to come to terms with the loss of his rainbow the boy experiences a range of emotions and finds out what it really means to be strong, brave and fearless.

The illustrations are bright, colourful and very inviting. I love the pencil drawing effect that adds that extra detail to each illustration.

The font is easy on the eye and completely draws you into the story. I love the crayon effect which highlights key words on each page and allows you to believe that the main character has added to the illustrations and content of the book.

Every page has a different feel with the layout and amount of text vs illustration. I found myself pouring over each page, mesmerised by the detailed illustrations and not wanting to miss anything on the page. As I read this book to my class not a sound was to be heard apart from my reading voice. They were hooked from the title page.
The Boy Who Rescued a Rainbow is a magical book where the text and illustrations come alive on the page. I could honestly look through this book all day and still be amazed at the dazzling font and intricate details of the pictures. A real winner of a picture book and one that will be treasured in my class.

Many thanks to Little Door Books for inviting me to join the blog tour and for my gifted copy of The Boy Who Rescued a Rainbow and to Corrina Campbell for another delightful picture book that captured the hearts of the children in my class. A book every child from 3-8 will simple enjoy.
