Our Score:★★★★★★★✩✩✩
GENRE: Fiction
Selected by Gemma - May 2018

Lime green plastic flower-shaped hair bobbles—Found, on the playing field, Derrywood Park, 2nd September.
Bone china cup and saucer—Found, on a bench in Riveria Public Gardens, 31st October.
Anthony Peardew is the keeper of lost things. Forty years ago, he carelessly lost a keepsake from his beloved fiancée, Therese. That very same day, she died unexpectedly. Brokenhearted, Anthony sought consolation in rescuing lost objects—the things others have dropped, misplaced, or accidentally left behind—and writing stories about them. Now, in the twilight of his life, Anthony worries that he has not fully discharged his duty to reconcile all the lost things with their owners. As the end nears, he bequeaths his secret life’s mission to his unsuspecting assistant, Laura, leaving her his house and and all its lost treasures, including an irritable ghost.
Recovering from a bad divorce, Laura, in some ways, is one of Anthony’s lost things. But when the lonely woman moves into his mansion, her life begins to change. She finds a new friend in the neighbor’s quirky daughter, Sunshine, and a welcome distraction in Freddy, the rugged gardener. As the dark cloud engulfing her lifts, Laura, accompanied by her new companions, sets out to realize Anthony’s last wish: reuniting his cherished lost objects with their owners.
Long ago, Eunice found a trinket on the London pavement and kept it through the years. Now, with her own end drawing near, she has lost something precious—a tragic twist of fate that forces her to break a promise she once made.
As the Keeper of Lost Objects, Laura holds the key to Anthony and Eunice’s redemption. But can she unlock the past and make the connections that will lay their spirits to rest?
(Synopsis taken from Goodreads)
I loved the title of the book, the front cover seduced me and the synopsis drew me in further. Imagine picking up objects found lying discarded, taking them home and storing them in hopes of one day returning them to their rightful owner? I loved the idea and was intrigued to find out if this mammoth task would ever be completed.
This website gives you information about the author, a video and podcast.
A list of reading questions to enhance your book club discussions.
An online quiz to check how well you can remember the details within the novel.
REVIEW: (Contains spoilers)
Gemma's Thoughts:
This was a very easy read. I loved hearing about Eunice and Anthony's life, the stories behind the lost items were endearing and I truly wanted the owners to be reunited with those items. The 'ghost of Eunice' added another dimension to the novel which I liked. However, for me the book was nothing more than a quick read. I found the characters a bit too likeable and all the ends were tied up a bit too conveniently.
Obviously, looking at the scores that the other members gave the book they all really enjoyed it.
Gemma: 5
Kim: 8
Nic: 8
Pamela: 8
Sandra: 8
Average 7
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