'Whatcha crying for, sissy? Why don’t you grow a pair?’ Rosie says to her mother... ‘Send me to school and I’ll rip off your arm! Beat you with the stump.’
Abandoned by her terrorised mother at the age of six, Rosie Shadow will do anything to win the affection of her father Archie, an undead cannibal in charge of Her Majesty's Prison Shrewsbury, now operating as a visitor attraction.
Clare is sent reeling into Archie’s arms with the grief of losing her boyfriend in a mysterious car accident when he collides with an ancient yew tree.
The secrets in the Medieval dungeon beneath the prison are under threat when Clare becomes suspicious of Archie’s true identity and his progeny.
Rosie Shadow is the first book in The Black Tongue Series, a gripping horror thriller by the author of Rachel's Garden, The Entrepreneur, Willow Weeps and Distorted Day.
Rosie Shadow, a six year old, is out of control according to her mother. She won't go to school, stays up until the wee hours and is violent towards her mother. But surely it can't be the child's fault it must be her upbringing? Right? Think again. Rosie has immense strength, both physical and mental, she has an insatiable appetite and likes to dig graves in the garden. Her strange behaviour and aggression towards her mother has meant Elly is a shadow of her former self, she is literally terrified of what her daughter will do next. This fascinating storyline makes no excuses for Rosie's behaviour and leaves you dreading what she is capable of doing next and to who. I had goosebumps reading the chapters dedicated to Rosie and my heart was beating rapidly in anticipation of what was to come. I felt so much sympathy for Elly and could see how trapped and torn she was.
Clare is grieving from the sudden death of her partner and trying to hold it all together. Working as a tourist guide she finds herself drawn to her boss Archie. However, things are not quite as they seem. This creepy, gut-wrenching novel is both disturbing and addictive. It was quite the page-turner. It shocked, disgusted me, drew me in with its broad mix of characters and terrified me all at the same time. Many thanks to Helen Lewis at Literally Public Relations for inviting me to join the blog tour. This is a book I will not be forgetting in a hurry.

Louise Worthington is the author of six novels. She writes across genres - psychological fiction, horror and women's fiction.
In June 2020 she signed with Bloodhound Books, leading crime and thriller publishers, for two psychological thrillers.
Louise's debut novel, Distorted Days, was described by Kirkus Review as 'a formidable work'. Her novella-in-flash was longlisted by Ellipsis Zine and many of her short stories and dark flash fiction are published in the UK and America.
If you would like to get in touch, please follow the links below.
Website: https://louiseworthington.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Louise-Worth...
Twitter: @louiseworthing9
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1AN...