I am delighted to be on the blog tour of this self-help book.
The SYSO System
7 steps to Sort Your Self Out
Published by Beak Street
Publishing 12th January 2021,
Paperback RRP £12.99

Changing your life isn’t that complicated when you know how, and when you know how You Don’t Need Therapy According to the World Health Organisation, there is a suicide every 40 seconds and in the UK alone, 16 people choose to end their lives every day. We have a chronic mental health problem. More and more people report they are struggling, yet therapy and medication, the conventional default solutions, are expensive and don’t seem to be working. You Don’t Need Therapy presents an alternative solution: The SYSO System® - an easily digestible and cost efficient one stop system that can be applied by anyone wherever they are on their journey.
Resources available for self-improvement are plentiful, but can be overwhelming and confusing. There are over 160 recognised types of psychotherapy, endless counselling styles, coaching methods, healing techniques, retreats, seminars and book offerings, yet many people simply don’t know where to start or what to do next. You Don’t Need Therapy introduces a one stop solution, the SYSO System®, with 7 simple steps and 70 practical exercises so you can DO the changing, rather than just read about it.
By following the steps, you will change how you think, which will change how you feel, which will change what you do, all as quickly as you choose. You will create a new filter through which you experience life and by changing the filter, everything will look different. You don’t need therapy; you can sort your self out when you know how.
Here is an extract from the book to whet your appetite.
The quality of your life really boils down to how you feel emotionally. This is the flavouring of your experiences. You could be a billionaire and yet often feel frustrated, angry, guilty, envious, bitter and full of regrets or you could be stone-cold broke but feel inspired, excited about the future, grateful and full of laughter and love for life. Which would you rather be?
Well the good news is you don’t have to choose, as life can offer both financial freedom and happiness. It’s not an either/or game between areas of achievement and fulfilment, even if it might seem like that sometimes. Although we strive to achieve things like money, great relationships, optimum health or a great job, it’s really just the feelings these things give us which we are seeking.
We tend to be striving for things outside ourselves, but it’s really our internal world which will determine how we feel. Working on our internal world is the key to living our best life. The world is full of examples of miserable wealthy people and very happy poor people, and happiness and fulfilment isn’t tied to either financial position; it’s tied to the internal world of your emotion and primarily your most usual go-to emotional states.
When you work on your own personal development and mastering emotion, you can be rich in life whatever your financial position. Happiness is not dictated by circumstances, it is (as you now know from Step 2) electric and chemical reactions within you and you can manage your own electricity and chemicals to choose exactly how you would like to feel anytime. Let’s repeat that. You can choose exactly how you would like to feel anytime!
The vast majority of people seeking personal development help usually start by stating they’re not happy in at least one of the following three areas of their lives; financial, relationships and fitness. They often feel that in pursuing one area of life, usually work/finance, they have neglected another like relationships or health, which may be the case, but it doesn’t have to be like this. You can have abundance and success in all areas of your life but to do so you must be able to master and take charge of your emotions. It’s the quality of your emotions that will determine what you do and the quality of your life, no matter where you are in your unique living journey. Crap will happen, circumstances outside of your control will be challenging, but how you react emotionally will determine how you feel. Anyone can react well when things are going well, and so it’s how you deal with the bad stuff that is the most important part. It’s the quality of your emotion on a consistent basis that is really the quality of your life, and managing your inner self through the days, weeks, months, years, as life changes, is how you create an outstanding existence. Once you learn how to take charge, and commit to being the manager of your self, you can decide the emotions you want to feel more of and those you want to avoid.

Alan Lucas was born and raised in Belfast during the troubles and from a young age wondered why people would choose to kill others just because they had developed different beliefs.
After university, he worked as a ski instructor in the U.S, New Zealand, Australia, and Europe. He had a corporate career as a marketing boss at global sportswear brands Nike and Adidas and has founded various businesses.
An entrepreneur, coach and motivational speaker, Alan is passionate about self improvement and helping people have more fun and fulfilling lives. He created the Sort Your Self Out system, and the EGO HERE® brand which donates its profits to the SYSO Foundation, providing personal development resources for young people to help them become the best versions of themselves.
You Don’t Need Therapy is his debut book. Alan can be found at youdontneedtherapy.com and is available for interview and writing feature articles.